

The Eastern End of the Plaza and the Betili (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-27


Roster Date Author Record
Includes other label 2008-09-01 pC f63 (glacis)
f107 (glacis)
f109 (glacis)
f180 (glacis) [Input: U717PC2.J]
Best definition 2008-09-01 !! glacis [Input: U717PC2.J]
Best image 2008-09-01 pC
v120 [Input: U717PC2.J]
2008-09-01 pC
v57 [Input: U717PC2.J]



Roster Date Author Record
Notes on labeling 2008-09-01 pC We decided to name this series of compacted surfaces glacis, for the similarity with situation in J3, were North of the revetment wall were found several layers of hard compacted surfaces sloping and intentionally set to cover the temple mound. In the case of J6, we encontered also several surfaces which for similarity of consistence and inclusions and for the comparable structural situation, was decided to give the same name, even if for glacis normally is seen a coating beginning from a wall or construction. In this case wall f127 (^wall5) is the structural component of this (see a2) [Input: U717PC2.J]


Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2008-09-01 pC glacis [Input: U717PC2.J]
Description (summary) 2008-09-01 pC a hard and highly compacted surface with small pebbles (>1 cm) and some sherds lying flat, found directly east of ^wall6 and south of ^wall12, directly under ^bf2. It is a surface covering almost all J6 and is found at a high elevation. The characteristic of this surface is that it slopes toward South especially in k85 (9000 higher level, 8912 lower level). The very topmost surface flakes off, while the bottom part is very crumbly. In some points is damaged. [Input: U717PC2.J]